Saturday, June 4, 2011

Life Takes You Where You Never Thought You Would Go

When I was younger, in middle school and high school, I had a group of girl friends that had my heart. The girls and I would stay at each other’s houses, share clothes, and eat French fries for lunch, have burping contests, laugh till our tummies would hurt and walk to places we only drive to now! Those times were great and I will never forget!

There were four of us girls. Even though we were great friends, we fiercely competed with each other in ways that often made me feel like an outcast. It was hard keeping up with clothes, boys, and who could spend the most and best time with each other.
Back then life at home was hard and not enjoyable for me. There was a lot going on emotionally, so spending time with my girlfriends was my escape from reality.  I experienced suicide; divorced parents at 17, my mother had extreme mental illness, 2 teen pregnancies which one happened through rape, drugs, and alcohol, adoption, and much more. As the days went by, my intense life at home caused me to drift farther away from my friends to the point, I never saw them again. 1991 was the last time we talked. School was too much for me to handle, so I dropped out. Later, I was ashamed at myself for making that choice, but it was what I needed to do.
Years had gone by and I thought about us four a lot. There was even a point in my thought process that I felt like the reason why we drifted apart was because the girls didn’t like me anymore. For a long time my insecurities picked at why we were no longer friends.  I wished life was different and I still had my girls.
Then something happened! In 2008 my life changed in a drastic way. My spiritual awareness was developing fast even though spirituality was introduced to me in 2003.  I still struggled with life, but I seen something I never saw before, A Greater Life. I started to realize that I was the creator of my life, and all the things I had experienced in my past were part of that creation. I decided that I wanted that Greater Life so I began to think of ways to obtain it! I no longer was going to put my life on hold, at 34 I was going back to school.
 Then something happened again! FACEBOOK!  In2009, I created myself an account and began to think of all the people I wanted to connect with.  I thought of my childhood girlfriends and low and behold, I connected with two of them. One of them was Danielle. I remember before I clicked “Add Friend”, I was scared, my tummy was in knots and I was shaking. I was a mess! Looking back at that time makes me laugh now!
Danielle accepted my friendship on Facebook and I was excited! 17 years later Danielle and I would meet for the first time for tea at Wild Flower cafĂ© in Tempe, AZ. At that time, I was homeless had no job or money and was upset that I couldn’t pay for my own tea to see my girlfriend. Needless to say the universe works in mysterious ways, because Danielle offered to buy my tea.
When we meet up, Danielle had not changed in looks that much, except she no longer had beautiful long blonde hair, it was now black with green streaks in it. Somehow she makes black and green look really good together! 
We sat and talked for awhile. Catching up on lost times. So nervous I was, I began to see this beauty in front of me in a different light! Then the most unexpected thing happened again! Danielle told me she was going to go to, The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. The same school I had my heart set to go to.  I couldn’t believe it, I was shocked! In my heart it felt like Danielle and I would have a chance to heal something within us that was obviously intended for the both of us. I was even more shocked to learn that I would be a part of Danielle’s spiritual awakening, little did she know at that time! I was truly honored! I never dreamed this would happen, and our reuniting would prove to be spectacular.
Finally the both of us made it! Danielle started SWIHA in Nov. 09 and me, in Dec. 09. 18 years later we would be attending the same school together, taking the same program but with different intentions. 
Originally we were to graduate together in 1993, but 2011 is our year! It’s our year to make a difference in ourselves and in others. This year is the foundation of our lives. It’s the beginning of dreams we vowed to make.
 Life takes us where we never thought we would go.  This is a true story and it Honor’s myself and Danielle Iott and I am sharing it with the world around me! This story is a great lesson in how the power of the Universe works! Never underestimate where life will take you, you might find yourself in the greatest place of all, LOVE!

Thank you! Namaste,
Danielle Ohlund

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