All of us have Intuition. If we look closely we will notice the creative way our Intuition gets our attention! My goal is to share with others how my Intuition brings beauty to my life.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Photography D Light by Danielle Ohlund
Anyone who views this video I created, I trust it will spark something inside of you to create the world you are looking for! ENJOY!
Listen to what you Heart is saying, it knows better than anyone can tell you!
The other day I was talking to my friend about this guy I had met whom I used to be a student of. I stopped talking to this man, because of the gut feelings I would receive when ever I was in his presence. As well as the subtle signs I would notice. After I cut off our communication, I started noticing he would become frantic that I was no longer in his life and would try to call me or email me saying he is worried about me and that I should call him. He really scared me, this is someone whom told me I needed to have security and he was the only one who could give it to me, since he knew what security was and I did not. In this moment, I am safe and protected by the universe from harm and do not fear him anymore.
When I was recalling the experience to my friend, I told her that it had been awhile since this guy tried to contact me and that since I was talking about him, I bet he would try to contact me again. SURE SHIT, I WAS RIGHT! His psyche knew I was talking about him, it felt that connection. A couple days later, I received an email from him saying, "He was worried about me, Am I ok, and that I need to contact him!" Just because someone calls you or emails you does not give you the permission to jump at their move. Am I a non respectful person because I did not answer his phone call or email? No, I am a respectful person for listening to my heart and not falling in the trap of others agendas! One thing is for sure, if we are connected to our Source, the Source of Love, the Source of God, the Source of Creation, than there is no reason why I or anyone needs to be worried about anything or anyone. Only do what feels right in your heart.
When I was recalling the experience to my friend, I told her that it had been awhile since this guy tried to contact me and that since I was talking about him, I bet he would try to contact me again. SURE SHIT, I WAS RIGHT! His psyche knew I was talking about him, it felt that connection. A couple days later, I received an email from him saying, "He was worried about me, Am I ok, and that I need to contact him!" Just because someone calls you or emails you does not give you the permission to jump at their move. Am I a non respectful person because I did not answer his phone call or email? No, I am a respectful person for listening to my heart and not falling in the trap of others agendas! One thing is for sure, if we are connected to our Source, the Source of Love, the Source of God, the Source of Creation, than there is no reason why I or anyone needs to be worried about anything or anyone. Only do what feels right in your heart.
Using Intuition as My Guide
Under one of my many plots to find my hearts true desire, I was introduced to a person whom I thought had my best interest or my dreams at their heart. I have learned that when following your dream, the person whom you may be taught under, is no more human than I am. In my travels, I have learned that people, who seem to have everything I do not, really do not have everything they want. No one ever deserves to be put on a pedestal. We all deserve to be looked at with compassion, integrity, love, and respect. Judgments come, but they shall pass.
This person whom I thought had my best interest did not. It took me a while to see what this person was doing, was for his own good and not for the good of every one or even me for that matter. I have learned that if someone tells you they are an impeccable person, they really are not. Impeccable does not come out and say he is impeccable. Impeccable just is and always will be!
I decided to stay away from this particular person, because I started to feel like he was a stalker and could possibly harm me. He wants me to follow him and will do anything it takes to get me to see his way is the right way. Since having these thoughts of harm, I am following my Intuition, it knows what is right for me and what is not. In this life, I WANT TO ONLY SEE WITH MY HEART.
This person whom I thought had my best interest did not. It took me a while to see what this person was doing, was for his own good and not for the good of every one or even me for that matter. I have learned that if someone tells you they are an impeccable person, they really are not. Impeccable does not come out and say he is impeccable. Impeccable just is and always will be!
I decided to stay away from this particular person, because I started to feel like he was a stalker and could possibly harm me. He wants me to follow him and will do anything it takes to get me to see his way is the right way. Since having these thoughts of harm, I am following my Intuition, it knows what is right for me and what is not. In this life, I WANT TO ONLY SEE WITH MY HEART.
You Are More Than My Son
You say you do not believe in God, but in your songs you talk about hypnotizing God’s people. You say everything happens for a reason, would you even include that reason with me? Would you say that I had a reason for the choices I made? Or will you still criticize me and judge me for going against the grain? Will you notice that I did not keep you in a lie that I was kept in? Will you notice that we make are own choices and no one in this life will have a say on what we do? I no longer am sad that I have lost you, for I have not lost you completely. You still are a part of me and always in my heart. In this dimension, I do not know the real reason why you are here, but I do know how much love I have for you! I am sad that you choose to use hateful words and leave me out of your life when this whole time I choose to love you and believe that you are good. In a time of need the people around us abandoned us and said that we were not worth their time. I have come to the determination that you are not mine and I can not keep you nor make you do anything that your heart does not desire. I look up to you for the life you choose, for it is one full of adventure and love. When I look at your eyes I am reminded of the beauty that you hold inside of yourself. I know you will do good with your life, at least that is what I hope. My angels and guides have already told me that you are on your path and that they (Angels and Guides) are guiding you in every direction you take in life. When I think of you from know on, I will pray that the light of god enfolds your every move. One day we will be together again and we will have the joy of being in each others arms and filling our beings with our love. And so it is!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Shutting Out the Signals
Almost everyday and every moment in our lives, we are being guided by our Intuition, sending us signals of warning or maybe even signals of delight. When we get the signals from our Intuition, sometimes it does not make sense and we may shut those signals out. Here is an example of when I did not listen to the signals.
I was packing my bag to go to a friends house for the weekend. Since I am in school now, I usually do not leave the house without my school books and supplies, along with clothes and laptop. I like to be prepared for where ever I go. This time when I was leaving, I noticed my car registration was in my room and not in my car. I said to myself, "Oh, Why is my registration in my room, I normally have it in my car. I need to bring this, I going to need it." So I put the registration in my bag and forgot about what I said to myself.
After packing, I was on my way to my destination. I am driving along on the I-10 going east towards the Loop 202 Red mountain Freeway. I was in the left lane getting closer to the 202 on ramp. On the left side of the freeway is the HOV lane, and the far right lanes is the actual 202 ramp. I thought to myself, "I should go to the right lane to get off instead of getting of on the HOV lane." Then I said, "No I will just go on the 202 HOV lane and get over right away so I do not get busted" I hopped on the HOV ramp to get on the Loop 202. After I drove approximately 1/2 mile I could see the end of the ramp, and low and behold, guess who is sitting at the very end of the ramp? Mr. Police man himself!! "Shit" I said. "I am busted." Needless to say I got a ticket for driving in the HOV lane. My Intuition warned me way back when I was in my room and right before I proceeded in the HOV lane, but I thought nothing about what my intuition was trying to tell me.
I am a huge risk taker, sometimes breaking rules is what I need to do to get where I need to go. I can sit here and say "Well I should have done this or that, because this or that would not have happened" The truth of the matter is, I really do not know what would have happened. What I do know is that my higher self was testing me to trust my Intuition in what can happen.
I am aware of the risk I took driving in the HOV lane, something happened though that did not happen before. I did not panic, cry, get upset, or lose control when the officer was questioning my actions. I remained very calm and did not lose control of myself at all. Believe it or not, I was quite happy with what I just experienced. Our Intuition is not going to be so subtle all the time, I blame myself for not listening to the signals myself was giving. I do not blame the man for doing his job. I am very proud that I did this because my old self would have handled things much differently.
I was packing my bag to go to a friends house for the weekend. Since I am in school now, I usually do not leave the house without my school books and supplies, along with clothes and laptop. I like to be prepared for where ever I go. This time when I was leaving, I noticed my car registration was in my room and not in my car. I said to myself, "Oh, Why is my registration in my room, I normally have it in my car. I need to bring this, I going to need it." So I put the registration in my bag and forgot about what I said to myself.
After packing, I was on my way to my destination. I am driving along on the I-10 going east towards the Loop 202 Red mountain Freeway. I was in the left lane getting closer to the 202 on ramp. On the left side of the freeway is the HOV lane, and the far right lanes is the actual 202 ramp. I thought to myself, "I should go to the right lane to get off instead of getting of on the HOV lane." Then I said, "No I will just go on the 202 HOV lane and get over right away so I do not get busted" I hopped on the HOV ramp to get on the Loop 202. After I drove approximately 1/2 mile I could see the end of the ramp, and low and behold, guess who is sitting at the very end of the ramp? Mr. Police man himself!! "Shit" I said. "I am busted." Needless to say I got a ticket for driving in the HOV lane. My Intuition warned me way back when I was in my room and right before I proceeded in the HOV lane, but I thought nothing about what my intuition was trying to tell me.
I am a huge risk taker, sometimes breaking rules is what I need to do to get where I need to go. I can sit here and say "Well I should have done this or that, because this or that would not have happened" The truth of the matter is, I really do not know what would have happened. What I do know is that my higher self was testing me to trust my Intuition in what can happen.
I am aware of the risk I took driving in the HOV lane, something happened though that did not happen before. I did not panic, cry, get upset, or lose control when the officer was questioning my actions. I remained very calm and did not lose control of myself at all. Believe it or not, I was quite happy with what I just experienced. Our Intuition is not going to be so subtle all the time, I blame myself for not listening to the signals myself was giving. I do not blame the man for doing his job. I am very proud that I did this because my old self would have handled things much differently.
Friday, March 19, 2010
The other night after school I was driving home remembering all the great things I had learned, when all of a sudden, the monkeys in my mind started playing their ridiculous song they play to me often. Most people whom are close to me know what the last few years have been like for me. I have been homeless, no job, broke up with one of my greatest loves, been kept away from my son's, and the drama list goes on and on. With my spiritual practices and dealing with my angels, I am constantly reminded, NOT TO WORRY ABOUT HOW THINGS WILL HAPPEN FOR ME. I try to ask the universe to show me a signs that I am on the right path. So in the car I am tiring my hardest not to let the fricking monkeys beat me up again, when a car pulled up next to me on my left side. We were at a red light, the car was far up enough that I could read its license plate. The plate said "DNT FRET"! Wow, another sign from my Angels and the universe! Thank you!
Notice Me

This is the way it is going to be. Open your eyes and look at me. I have been here all along. You’ve been too wrapped up to notice me. I made you and everything else. My plan for you is unfolding! Wake up, look and listen! Are you looking for something else? I am all around you, patiently waiting, wanting for you to notice me.
Sun shines and the moon does too! They both look at you! The air is all around, just like me. You can not see it, but it fills your every being. Hoping, waiting, and wanting for you to notice me.
So many days have gone by. You said you would be here. I have been whispering in your ear. Where are you? Hoping, waiting, and wanting for you to notice me.
You are a flower that I have planted. Your bloom is a part of my story. Do not forget I am here everyday, watching your seed grow according to my glory. The colors I have created are here for you to enjoy. Hoping, waiting, and wanting for you to notice me. ~DKO
Wild Horse Play
A few weeks ago, I was driving to a friend’s house. I was going west on the Loop 202/Red Mountain freeway. I was almost to my location, when my friend called me and told me to take my time that he was still working. Since I had a little time to kill, I decided to drive the long way to my friend’s house.
Getting off of the freeway, I head in the direction of North on Power Rd, driving towards the Bee-Line Highway. Aprox. 1 mile into my new direction, my friend called and said that he was ready to leave work and that I could head in his direction. I immediately made a U-turn instead of going the scenic route like I intended. Right after my u-turn, my friend called back and said that he need to run an errand and was going to go before I got to his location. So I decided to make another u-turn and go the scenic route again. After talking to my friend for a 3rd time, I remember thinking to myself, "Gees buddy, would you make up your mind?"
So now I am driving North again on Power Rd, going to the Bee-Line Highway. Approx. 7 miles into my drive, which was around 6pm, the sun was setting and the sky was a gorgeous purple, orange, pink and yellow. On my right side, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pack of Wild Horse's getting ready to cross the street. I was so close to them that I thought I was going to hit them with my car. I immediately pulled to the side of the road and engaged in watching them cross the highway. There were 6 of them, one white, one black, one grey, and three brown horses. The site was magnificent. Never before have I seen a pack of wild horses cross the road. As they were crossing, they started to play with each other. Rubbing up against one another and jumping on each other. I was mesmerized. What a beautiful sight! After a moment of watching them, I could no longer see the horses. I was very excited about this experience! At this point my friend called me back and said "Where are you?" I explained what I saw and that I would be right over. I no longer need to go the scenic route, so for the fourth time, I made another u-turn and headed in the direction on my friend.
I felt like this experience was from GOD. I was not going to even drive the scenic route, but something (besides my friend) pulled my in that direction. I needed to see those horses. A couple days after this experience, I was telling my story to a friend at school. When I was telling the story, it dawned on me what the message was.
The message the horses gave me was, even though they were in route to their next destination they took time to play with each other. Play is so important. It keeps our energies and your hearts light. It is ok to play with each other, even when we are getting to our next destinations. Sometimes my life gets so complicated that I do not stop to play. Play helps me and you be open to our true selves.
If we take time to change the lens we are looking through we will realize life is meant to be fun and full of happiness, not stress and depress. Take time to play EVERYDAY!
Getting off of the freeway, I head in the direction of North on Power Rd, driving towards the Bee-Line Highway. Aprox. 1 mile into my new direction, my friend called and said that he was ready to leave work and that I could head in his direction. I immediately made a U-turn instead of going the scenic route like I intended. Right after my u-turn, my friend called back and said that he need to run an errand and was going to go before I got to his location. So I decided to make another u-turn and go the scenic route again. After talking to my friend for a 3rd time, I remember thinking to myself, "Gees buddy, would you make up your mind?"
So now I am driving North again on Power Rd, going to the Bee-Line Highway. Approx. 7 miles into my drive, which was around 6pm, the sun was setting and the sky was a gorgeous purple, orange, pink and yellow. On my right side, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pack of Wild Horse's getting ready to cross the street. I was so close to them that I thought I was going to hit them with my car. I immediately pulled to the side of the road and engaged in watching them cross the highway. There were 6 of them, one white, one black, one grey, and three brown horses. The site was magnificent. Never before have I seen a pack of wild horses cross the road. As they were crossing, they started to play with each other. Rubbing up against one another and jumping on each other. I was mesmerized. What a beautiful sight! After a moment of watching them, I could no longer see the horses. I was very excited about this experience! At this point my friend called me back and said "Where are you?" I explained what I saw and that I would be right over. I no longer need to go the scenic route, so for the fourth time, I made another u-turn and headed in the direction on my friend.
I felt like this experience was from GOD. I was not going to even drive the scenic route, but something (besides my friend) pulled my in that direction. I needed to see those horses. A couple days after this experience, I was telling my story to a friend at school. When I was telling the story, it dawned on me what the message was.
The message the horses gave me was, even though they were in route to their next destination they took time to play with each other. Play is so important. It keeps our energies and your hearts light. It is ok to play with each other, even when we are getting to our next destinations. Sometimes my life gets so complicated that I do not stop to play. Play helps me and you be open to our true selves.
If we take time to change the lens we are looking through we will realize life is meant to be fun and full of happiness, not stress and depress. Take time to play EVERYDAY!
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